Good corporate governance and a values-driven corporate culture help us to make our processes more efficient and to incorporate ethics, the environment and social issues into our strategic decisions and approach to work.
Our corporate governance is based on international standards for good business practice. We support the UN Global Compact’s ten principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Our commitment in this area is reflected in our policies, guidelines and the way in which we develop relationships with our stakeholders, i.e. the people and groups who have an interest in our activities.
Clas Ohlson’s Code of Conduct contains the requirements we set for ourselves and our manufacturers, suppliers and partners concerning, among other areas, the work environment, working conditions, environmental impact and anti-corruption.
Our most important policies, guidelines, instructions and manuals are regularly updated and communicated to the relevant parties. General guidelines and instructions are published on our intranet, and policies that involve partners are available through the website.