Clas Ohlson’s Code of Conduct contains the requirements we set for ourselves and our manufacturers, suppliers and partners concerning, among other areas, the work environment, working conditions, environmental impact and anti-corruption.
Our Code of Conduct provides the foundation for work to monitor and develop our supply chain.
We make every effort to be a responsible employer and a good corporate citizen. In all aspects of our operation – including administration, purchasing, distribution, sales, repair and disposal of products – we must show respect and consideration for human rights, human health and safety, and the environment.
Clas Ohlson’s Code of Conduct is an integral part of our business and sets out our requirements for human rights, employee rights, the environment, impact on children’s rights, and business ethics.
The Code is based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the UN’s Children’s Rights and Business Principles. Clas Ohlson supports the UN Global Compact.
We have well-established processes for monitoring compliance and for following up on deviations from the Code of Conduct. Before we enter into a partnership with a new supplier, we check whether the specified requirements are being fulfilled; if they are not, we make sure that the supplier is prepared to rectify the identified deviations. In cases where we identify serious failings, we will not enter into a partnership. Each supplier is assessed on the requirements in our Code of Conduct at least every other year.