One of Sweden's most gender equal companies in 2023 according to AllBright

AllBright's "green list" lists companies with an even distribution of men and women in the management team.

"We have fifty percent men and women in our leadership team, which we are proud of. Equality, diversity, and inclusion are very important to us, since we see it as a strength for all teams and functions," says Tina Englyst, HR and Sustainability Director.

Clas Ohlson’s target is to be a sustainable, long-term employer with happy co-workers. Our goal is to have an equal distribution of women and men at all levels.

"Everyone should feel welcome and be able to contribute and grow at Clas Ohlson, we see a strength in reflecting the great diversity of our customers. We are not there yet for all parts of our company, but we are actively working to get there," says Tina.

"The continuous work with our culture and our values is an important part, and we continue to work with equality, diversity and inclusion in all stages of recruitment and employment as well as in our customer interaction,” says Tina Englyst.
You can read more on AllBright’s website:

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