
Eat the leftovers!

Greetings, to all the heroes who, in the days post-feast, will battle boredom and cravings, and soldier on with their leftovers, for a couple of days at least!

“We have all sorts of storage options: glass containers, both standard ones and those with two or three compartments. There are also containers made of stainless steel or plastic. There’s plenty to choose from,” says Ulrika Juvas, Product Manager.

Another way to reduce food waste is to improve your overview of what you have:

“It has become very popular to organise and tidy up the fridge, for example using transparent storage containers and turntables. You can sort items like cheeses into their own storage box, which you can easily take in and out. This way, nothing gets left at the back of a compartment to go off,” says Ulrika.

What are your best tips for managing leftovers during Christmas? Any exciting recipes?

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