Regulatory 2017-07-12 12:00 CET Financial information

The Nomination Committee’s proposal for Board of Directors in Clas Ohlson

Charlotte Strömberg

The Clas Ohlson Nomination Committee today announces its proposal for the Board of Directors’ composition ahead of the Clas Ohlson AB Annual General Meeting on Saturday 9 September 2017.

The Board of Directors shall consist of eight members.

The Nomination Committee proposes re-election of the Board members Kenneth Bengtsson, Ros-Marie Grusén, Mathias Haid, Cecilia Marlow, Göran Näsholm and Göran Sundström. The Nomination Committee proposes that Charlotte Strömberg and Anne Thorstvedt Sjöberg be elected as new Board members. The Nomination Committee proposes that Kenneth Bengtsson be re-elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae has announced that, after 7 years as a Member of the Board, she will not be standing for re-election.

Charlotte Strömberg, born 1959, has previously been the CEO for Jones Lang LaSalle Nordics, held a number of roles with Carnegie Investment Bank, Alfred Berg/ABN Amro, Consensus and Robur Capital Management. She is currently Chairman of the Board of Castellum AB and Board member of Bonnier Holding AB, Ratos AB, Sofina S.A, Skanska AB and member of the Swedish Securities Council.

Anne Thorstvedt Sjöberg, born 1965, is the Global Insights Director with extensive Nordic and international experience in a number of different positions (customer, retailer, channel) in companies such as Procter & Gamble, Kraft Freia Marabou, Kraft Foods and Mondelez International.  

The Nomination Committee consists of:

  • Kenneth Bengtsson, Chairman of the Board of Clas Ohlson AB
  • Jonas Bergh (Chairman of the Nomination Committee), representing the Haid family
  • Göran Sundström, representing the Tidstrand family
  • Erik Durhan, Nordea Investment Funds
  • Ricard Wennerklint, If Skadeförsäkring AB

The Nomination Committee’s work has been carried out in compliance with the requirements as set forth in the Swedish Corporate Governance Code.

For more information of the respective Board member please see

For further information, please contact:
Jonas Bergh, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, phone +46 722 33 04 01

This is information that Clas Ohlson AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 12:00 pm CET on 12 July 2017.

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