2021-04-08 13:28 CET New stores

Clas Ohlson invest in Malmö with a new store and office


Today, Clas Ohlson is opening a new store and a new office in central Malmö. This venture is part of Clas Ohlson's digital development programme and will generate around fifty new jobs.

The store and office will open in Gustav Adolfs Torg in the centre of Malmö.

“We are finally going full steam ahead with our project in Malmö. The combination of the office and store will create a strong entity with new customer interactions every day and long-term digital development work”, says Peder Apelgren, Chief Digital Officer.

The store is what Clas Ohlson call a Compact Store. In an area of 270 square metres, online shopping will be integrated with a physical shopping experience. This means that the inhabitants of Malmö will be able to collect their online purchases after just 30 minutes.

“Our Compact Store enables us to be in more places where there are lots of people. We will be able to provide our excellent customer service and a combination of physical and digital shopping”, says Peder Apelgren.

The floor above the store also houses the new Clas Ohlson office. The new office will be home for around fifty employees working with Clas Ohlson's digital development.

“We want to improve our digital customer interaction and we know that there is a sound base of competence in Malmö. It will be very exciting to continue our digital journey in Malmö”, says Peder Apelgren.

For more information, please contact:

Niklas Carlsson, Group Head of Communications, +46 247-444 29, niklas.carlsson@clasohlson.se

Clas Ohlson was founded in 1918 as a mail order business in Insjön, Sweden. Today we are a retail company with customers in five markets, approximately 4,500 co-workers and annual sales of approximately 8.8 billion SEK. Our share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. A lot has happened since the start in 1918, but one thing has remained the same over the years; that we want to help and inspire people to improve their everyday lives by offering smart, simple, practical solutions at attractive prices. Visit about.clasohlson.com/en to read about us and our passion for simplifying life in all kinds of homes.

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