Spare parts for solar cell lighting

Did you know that you can repair your solar lights with a new solar battery or a new panel?

“If a solar light stops working, you can first try a new battery developed for solar panels. Often it is the battery that has gone bad and not the panel itself. New for this year is that we have several different types of batteries for solar lighting," says Rasmus Sävenmark, Product Manager.

"If the solar panel is broken, we have several different spare parts for our solar lights," says Rasmus.

There is a trend in creating your own solar lighting with the spare parts, together with, for example, a vase or pot, or a tin can that you punch holes in.

"Most of the dimensions for the panels are available on our website, so if the dimensions match, you can try to make your own smart and stylish lighting, why not?" says Rasmus Sävenmark.

We have started to stock our most popular spare parts in our stores, for even better and faster availability for our customers. 

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